
sew all.

On Saturday morning, I made a list of things I had hoped to accomplish over the weekend. As you can see, I crossed off only one item from the list. I didn't just sew more, though.
After a marathon sewing session, the entire quilt top is now sewed, pressed and complete! All 224 squares of glory. All 70"x80" of fabricky goodness.  Well over 50 hours of work went into just making this section of the quilt: Cleaning the fabric, pressing it, cutting it, arranging the strips on the muslin, sewing the squares, pressing them, cutting them to size, then sewing them into columns, and finally into a quilt. 

it's really hard to get a picture of how big it actually is!
It's not perfect. In fact, as quilt making goes, it is indeed far from perfect. My columns are straight, but the rows zigzag a little. Or, a lot. But it's mine, and I made it. I'm really proud of that! My next step is to choose a backing/binding fabric, which I will need 6 yards of.  I better be on the lookout for JoAnn Fabric coupons!